Possible variations in interpretation:

With regard to "(From later in the interview)"... IMO, from the discussion later in the interview at ~1:14:20, I am left with the impression that they will, if necessary, conduct a conventional DST in the immediate future i.e. next few weeks - but will need to mobilize personnel & some equipment. It was my impression that this was to be done in this operational stage and would not be left to the full flow testing stage in 2Q-2024.

"M-1 data will factor into M-2 net pay estimation" - my interpretation was that M-2 data will be included in M-1 rather than M-1 in M-2 - as IVZ didn't get a water sample in M-1 - thus no Rw value.

"Typically 60% gas saturation is your cut off, but might be lower in these rocks" - was my impression that SM was not being specific to "these rocks" but was speaking in more general terms for a cut off below 60%.



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Thanks Richard. I worked largely from the written transcript unless there was clear confusion. Which obviously runs the risk of losing verbal cues that makes meaning obvious.

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